The world is changing EVERYDAY...
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is the new world trend.
Is your child prepared?
In the 21st century, ICT systems will dominate the world;
In education, the trend is e-learning/ mobile learning.
Minister of Education promoting e-learning program through their website
9th Malaysia Plan: invested RM150 Million for Online Education Program and implemented smart schools
Terengganu Chief Minister sponsored e-book for all Standard Five students
Idea penggunaan ebook di Terengganu adalah Menteri Besar, Dato Ahmad Said sendiri yang melihat pembangunan negeri perlu bermula dengan pendidikan dan pembelajaran yang sempurna dan terkini. Sebagai langkah pertama, Kerajaan Negeri menyediakan 25,000 unit e-Book iaitu mini laptop yang dilengkapi pelbagai perisian buku-buku teks sekolah rendah yang boleh digunakan oleh semua pelajar Tahun Lima di negeri ini. Katanya selepas melancarkan e-Book sekolah-sekolah negeri Terengganu di Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) baru-baru ini (akhir Mei'09).
Look at the current trend, Chung Hwa B school (Selangor) implemented computerise and convert to e-smart school, all classes setup with projector and teacher teach through slide. Except from Chung Hwa B school, Terengganu Chief Minister also converted traditional teaching methods to ICT methods by using e-book in schools.
Majority primary school students acquired PC's knowledge in their school and even use computer to print out their project and assignment. Online learning is not fresh for kid anymore.
Is your kid prepared? Is your kid keep track to technology world?
With the current technology world, we can not abandon e-Learning trend and make sure your kid is aware on it.
How to help students study effectively?
Is your child prepared?
In the 21st century, ICT systems will dominate the world;
In education, the trend is e-learning/ mobile learning.
Minister of Education promoting e-learning program through their website
9th Malaysia Plan: invested RM150 Million for Online Education Program and implemented smart schools
Terengganu Chief Minister sponsored e-book for all Standard Five students
Idea penggunaan ebook di Terengganu adalah Menteri Besar, Dato Ahmad Said sendiri yang melihat pembangunan negeri perlu bermula dengan pendidikan dan pembelajaran yang sempurna dan terkini. Sebagai langkah pertama, Kerajaan Negeri menyediakan 25,000 unit e-Book iaitu mini laptop yang dilengkapi pelbagai perisian buku-buku teks sekolah rendah yang boleh digunakan oleh semua pelajar Tahun Lima di negeri ini. Katanya selepas melancarkan e-Book sekolah-sekolah negeri Terengganu di Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) baru-baru ini (akhir Mei'09).
Look at the current trend, Chung Hwa B school (Selangor) implemented computerise and convert to e-smart school, all classes setup with projector and teacher teach through slide. Except from Chung Hwa B school, Terengganu Chief Minister also converted traditional teaching methods to ICT methods by using e-book in schools.
Majority primary school students acquired PC's knowledge in their school and even use computer to print out their project and assignment. Online learning is not fresh for kid anymore.
Is your kid prepared? Is your kid keep track to technology world?
With the current technology world, we can not abandon e-Learning trend and make sure your kid is aware on it.
How to help students study effectively?
Revision Tips and Exam Techniques - 4 Proven Tips For Students
Mugging, cramming and last minute revision are some of the things students, both in primary and secondary school, are familiar with. All of these add more stress to your already jangled nerves and distracted concentration. What do you do? Here are 3 tips to make your efforts as good as the grade.
1. 9 O'Clock in the morning is the best time to revise
1. 9 O'Clock in the morning is the best time to revise
- You have had the best sleep the night before your study day. Nevertheless, this morning you feel good and highly refreshed.
- Studies have clearly shown that students who start their exam revision early in the morning (ideally between 8-9am) are able to cover more ground that those who begin later in the evening.
- By evening, your brain's concentration power declines.
- Why is it that climbing your school staircase is more difficult than climbing down it? Why does water flow from a higher level to a lower level? When you're studying the concepts of gravity and Newton's laws of Physics, it helps if you connect those concepts to phenomena you see in real life.
- Facts, figures, theorems, diagrams... all can be better recollected if you connect them to things around you that you know.
- Pop quiz! Are they 4 hydrogen atoms in methane or ethane? Is double bond a feature of unsaturated or saturated hydrocarbons?
- Stick your mind maps, revision notes and classroom scribbles on your cupboard, fridge or any place within sight. What you see, you remember but what you read, you forget.
- Students will get used to their own time management system, preparation to sit for EXAM.
- Students will continue to improve their performance each time before the actual exams by using our e-trial exam paper and review revision through report card.
- The psychology of the students will get a closer emotional relationship with the PARENT who can help them more motivated to be more successful.
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